UDATA, Audits and inspections is an advanced inspection solution finely tuned for real estate management. It includes functionalities such as:
The inspection templates
The process is relatively simple. Some might take advantage of the situation to review their procedures and inspection templates whereas others might integrally upload their existing templates. In any case, we use the solution’s advanced customization and loading functionalities to save the inspection templates, their structure, the virtual statement and illustration library as well as all other pertinent information necessary to the inspection’s realization.
The inspection templates standardize
your inspection procedures and expedite field interventions
When carrying out an inspection, the solution will request that you determine the level of inspection to be realized (general, specific or specialized), the type of inspection as well as the targeted building and/or components.
The generated inspection will then use the appropriate template and will be dynamically constructed by only recovering the targeted elements and spaces.
No useless check point will be suggested, no unpertinent questions will be asked!
The inspection is custom-built for what you have to review. As such, the generated template will suggest pertinent observations and provide guidelines as to the additional information to be collected.
Therefore, when the inspector will be out in the field, usually with his tablet computer, he will be guided and counseled. He will be able to log observations, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, charts, audio recordings and any other additional information that will help precise and measure his observations. When completing his inspection, the inspector will be notified if anything was forgotten and will be asked how to proceed accordingly.
No hasty departure requiring a second trip out in the field!
The post-inspection activities!
With this solution, it is possible to activate an extraction module that will convert the observations made during the inspection into interventions (tasks) to be realized. Afterwards, it will be possible to estimate the work required, appoint the required resources and group certain tasks together in work orders.
Automatically generated interventions
based on the observations
As during an inspection, post-inspection activities, such as commenting the tasks that have been done and recording the resources employed, will generally be carried out on a tablet computer. An inspection of the post-activities could also be possible in order to finalize the process.
With UDATA Audits and inspections, you are guided and supported through all the field activities that will help ensure your property portfolio’s security, compliance and efficiency.
*** This specific solution is also included in our integrated UDATA, Real estate management solution as an additional module.
A complete, cost effective and customizable solution that integrates your processes and expertise in order to maintain the sustainability of your assets and ensure an increased market rental value.
An amazing control center that reinforces the sustained and integrated coordination of all your activity thanks to cutting edge Web and mobile technology.
A user-friendly solution that adapts to your organizational processes, not the other way around. With UDATA Solutions, you will not be imposed new procedures nor will you have to manage irrelevant information to your company.
UDATA Solutions possess many unique characteristics. Through the UDATA Store you can access:
The UDATA Store is a private store that has been operating since 2008. First introduced for our building inspection solution, the new segment relating to our UDATA, Interventions and maintenance solution will be available in the first half of 2017.
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