418-948-8700 418-948-8708 info@udata.ca CLIENT ACCESS
Solution Benefits Functionality Integration UDATA Store

A simple and efficient solution

UDATA, Building inspection

An adaptable building inspection solution, offered with over 650 ready-made observations and illustrations, all of which are compliant with the standards of practice.

Furthermore, the solution can be tailored to fit the reality of your company’s business niche. Indeed, you will be able to:

The solution offers a library of over 650 statements (inspection limitations, inspection methods, observations) and illustrations linked to the world of real estate. Via our solution’s private store, you can also exchange statement templates with other inspection professionals using the software.

You will no longer be alone to have to think about everything. Long gone are the days when you have to start over from scratch. Your expertise and previous inspections can now be reused in each new inspection.

Check out the following slide show to discover the solution’s main features

Principales caractéristiques de Solution Bâtiment

Building Solution – Features

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UDATA, Building inspection has been on the market for over 10 years. Used by over 60% of Quebec’s inspectors as well as many colleges.


A complete, cost effective and customizable solution that integrates your processes and expertise in order to maintain the sustainability of your assets and ensure an increased market value.

An amazing control center that reinforces the sustained and integrated coordination of all your activity thanks to cutting edge Web and mobile technology.

To have a precise understanding and better control of your properties and their components.
To efficiently manage the specific servicing and maintenance activities of each property.
To oversee recurring periodic activities intended to protect your assets.
Comfort and satisfaction
To preserve your tenants’ and your staff’s heightened level of satisfaction and comfort.
Preventive maintenance
To limit corrective maintenance which is generally much more costly than preventive maintenance.
Obligations and security
To respect your legal obligations and properly manage all aspects relating to tenant security.
For informed decision-making on potential investments and an irreproachable organizational memory.
To guide your employees through your company’s maintenance and inspection standards.
Integrated management
For the integrated operations management of your tenants, rental agreements and all related communications.


A user-friendly solution that adapts to your organizational processes, not the other way around. With UDATA Solutions, you will not be imposed new procedures nor will you have to manage irrelevant information to your company.

Turnkey solution that can be used as is or can also be customized (ex.: integration of your own inspection models, communications, notices, etc.).
Online support is available and adaptable to fit your intended level of customization as well as your staff’s ease with IT tools.
Resources are readily available to support you with the general use and guide you through the customization of the solution.
With the company information in hand, your entire solution will be up and running in no time.


UDATA Solutions possess many unique characteristics. Via the UDATA Store, you will be able to :

Take advantage of the expertise of the specialists using our software. Optimize your interventions and improve the virtual statement library to produce highly complete and professional inspection reports.